
My Call For Humanity

Laatste wijziging: dinsdag 4 oktober 2016 om 16:02, 6914 keer bekeken Print dit artikel Bekijk alle nieuws feeds van onze site
dinsdag 4 oktober 2016

Transcript :

so here I am

standing alone in the open. i'm here with a message

hoping to repair what's broken. nature is struggling

humanity's not on track. we've got our heads in the sand

and our pride intact. we seek fulfillment through wealth

but do we achieve it? we want prosperity through consumerism

but is it worth it? have we actually found freedom?

or have we lost it? because all we do is follow a system

and never really challenge it. can you relate to that?

or is the world too blind to see? i'd always seek the truth

but care what my peers thought of me. i saw a different perspective

and struggled by the hour. see i know ignorance was bliss

but knowledge could give me power. so now i call for humanity

not just for one nation. i'm opposing separation and standing up to


whether religious or atheist, in essence we're the same

stereotypes are man-made, and it was man who created the game

but are we actually ready to accept this and wake up?

can we put our naivety on the line, or are we always going to collide?

are we ready to make a difference? do we venture into the unknown?

or do we stay in our comfort zones and keep on taking the easy ride?

because at sea

it ships that are safest at shore

but no, that's not what ships were made for. so ask yourself this:

why are you really here? you may find that deep

but my question really is sincere. for my generation

are we mislead as a youth? do we rub off our true purpose due to false misleading truth?

are we prone to propaganda? are we prone to wrong information?

are we taught to judge each other based on religion

sex, race, culture, class, nation

the list goes on. the moral of this poem

may be hard to grasp. I know it's not something usually heard

and it's not your average task. but the point is to stop damaging what we cannot


we shouldn't prioritize selfish desires, and let them decide our fate

however let me tell you, in no way am i perfect and in no way am i better than you

I mean yea i wrote this message myself, but it applies to myself to

so it's time to start improving and it's time to start speaking

because resources are lowering and poverty is increasing

we allow cities to get larger, buildings to get taller

but trees to get shorter and forests to get smaller

we're an ingenious species, we could easily change everything

but we're made to think different due to decades of conditioning

we conform to education to confirm our own security

yet it's a biased institution that makes wisdom hold obscurity

is actually correct? and does it actually judge intelligence?

or is it just listening to our elders, and improving our obedience?

are possessions an illusion of worth? are we tricked in our thinking?

are we trying to buy wholeness and are we trying to buy meaning?

do they always give joy? do they distract us from reality?

do they determine our identity and do they alter our morality?

I mean what are our goals? this really isn't a joke

can happiness be superficial and our routine a hoax?

do we live for the wrong things? whilst the right things choke?

is mainstream tv legit or can it dictate our attractions?

does it actually bring us together or does it separate us into factions?

we categorize each other via a social hierarchy

but status is made by humans, so who really are we?

is ego destroying eco? are the real problems disguised?

do we really know the truth or does our society feed us lies?

are we actually filling our voids? and does money hold any true weight? could we drop our

precious comforts

to renew our planet's state? it really is time to stop living our lives in shells

because doing nothing for others, is the undoing of ourselves

we're all from the same source, so let's see it for what it's worth

we only have one home and that home is planet earth

so our laws actually just? or can power avoid the prison?

are our governments really innocent or are they flawed in their decisions?

do they actually care for all life? or only for their own health?

do their motives come from morals? or do they just want power and wealth?

they try to justify a war on terror but it's lasted for over a decade

it's caused a million deaths so don't you think they've overstayed?

is patriotism necessary? can't we see it's prejudicial?

have we forgotten our common grounds and have we forgotten what's artificial?

I mean am I truthfully British? am i really european?

am i actually a western person? or am i just a human being?

see the media highlight the smallest of tragedies in first world countries

but fail to cover that over 90 million worldwide have died from hunger in 12 years

so where do our priorities lie?

Britain, China, Russia, America, France. Syria, Iran

Israel, Jordan, Iraq. whether western or middle east

everyone deserves peace. no more national wars

no more bodies deceased. let's come together as one and

keep humanity in one piece. so are we going to be responsible?

are we going to take a stand? are we going to change our ways and play our cards on the other hand?

I'm not saying I have all the answers and I'm not forcing any suggestions

i'm just saying it's about time we see differently and it's about time we ask some


so what will you do? how much will you allow?

this is my call for humanity, to create a change

and the time to start, is now

Bron: youtube.com

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