
The ELENIN Timeline

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maandag 29 augustus 2011

2011 AUG 28

Alignment between Elenin, The Sun and Mars. There could be Solarflares again.

2011 SEP 6

ELENIN enters the orbit of Mercury ! At this moment Elenin is apprx 77.525.304 miles or 124.738.214 kilometers from Earth.

2011 SEP 11

On 9/11 Elenin will make it’s closest approach to the SUN, the distance between Elenin and the Sun at this time is apprx 44.804.792 miles or 72.090.910 kilometers.

2011 SEP 12

The last Full Moon before Elenin will align with earth several times, enjoy it because it may be your last Full Moon !

2011 SEP 21-22

Perfect Alignment between Earth Elenin and Venus with for the First time ELENIN in between 2 planet when the alignment happens !

2011 SEP 26-27&28

The TRANSIT of ELENIN – Elenin will pass between the Earth and the Sun for 3 days, this could be the “Three days of Darkness” in the Bible !

2011 SEP 27

Perfect Alignment Elenin, Earth and Sun, ELENIN will be in between the Earth and the Sun !!! This is the same alignment as the one that triggered the Japan Earthquake on March 11 2011, only this time ELENIN is much closer to Earth than in March during the Japan Quake !!! So the First of Several massive earthquakes will happen around or on September 25th 2011. By this time, if ELENIN is the long-awaited NIBIRU or PLANET X we will have seen signs already, the changing magnetic field could kill millions of animals like fish and birds. Note that this is the FIRST TIME that ELENIN is in between the Earth and Sun when an alignment takes place !!! At this moment the distance between ELENIN and the EARTH is 38.297.872 miles or just 61.621.276 kilometers.

2011 SEP 26-27

Maybe an even worse but not “perfect” alignment between Elenin, Earth, Sun AND Mercury this time, the same as on March 11th 2011 and Sep 24th only Mercury is in the picture to, Elenin is at its closest point to earth yet. This alignment could trigger the largest Earthquake in the history of mankind !!! Remember the Bible talking about a large earthquake moving mountains and stuff … this could be it if “it” wasn’t 2 days ago. The distance between ELENIN and the EARTH : 35.416.236 miles or 56.984.723 kilometers.

2011 OCT 12 – OCT 19

The 3th Alignment : Elenin, Earth and Mars align with Elenin for the first time ever IN BETWEEN Earth and Mars + this allignment will happen during a Full Moon !!! On October 12th 2011 the comet/astroid 1036 GANYMED makes it’s closest approach to Earth !!! At this date there is also a second alignmend involving the Earth, Jupiter and Venus !

2011 OCT 17

Closest approach to Earth of ELENIN : 0,232 AU that’s 21.565.792 miles or 34.569.964 kilometers, if NASA isn’t telling us a lie about these distances … Also on OCT 17th there is an alignment between the Earth, Jupiter and Mercury !

2011 OCT 28

Alignment Earth, Mercury and Venus together with again a second alignment at the same time between Earth, Sun and Jupiter (alignment untill 1-11-11) !

2011 NOV 09

Closest approach of 2005 YU55 (0,0023 AU) : This Astroid will pass between Earth and the Moon (Distance Earth-Moon = 0.00257 AU). This Astroid could hit the moon, normally it will pass the moon at (0,00027 AU) ! This is a very important time period, the 2005 YU55 comet passes earth at just 2.137.988 miles or 3.427.194 kilometers, but even more important, this comet will “pass” our moon at just 25.098 miles or 40.232 kilometers, thats the distance of just one time around the earth ! If ELENIN has a powerfull field it could push 2005 YU55 out of it’s “normal route” and closer to the moon. If the moon is hit by this 400 meter diameter rock, disaster will also hit earth with tidalwaves and more !

REVELATION 9:11 – And they had a king over them, [which is] the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in the Hebrew tongue [is] Abaddon, but in the Greek tongue hath [his] name Apollyon !

2011 NOV 09

Astroid 1036 Ganymed in the Area

2011 NOV 09

Also in the Neighborhoud : 1996 FG3 Astroid !

2011 NOV 10

Full Moon !

2011 NOV 11

Perfect Alignment Elenin, Earth, Mercury and Venus. During this alignment the Earth will also pass the route of Elenin so when Elenin has a tail with Debris, all the rocks will hit Earth and it could be raining Fire as the Bible tells us !!! By the way, this stuff is all going to happen when the date is 11-11-11 isn’t that cool !!!

REVELATION 11:11 – And after three days and an half the Spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood upon their feet; and great fear fell upon them which saw them. (3 1/2 Days – <9-10-11 November>)

Note : Comet Elenin passes in the same vicinity at exactly the same time, what are the odds ?

Do they get close enough in their projected paths to interact and cause a change in known trajectory? I know trajectory calcs are still being worked on for the comet (being it is still in the Asteroid Belt) ….but what are the odds of these two space bodies meeting up like this…

2011 NOV 23 – NOV 28

Perfect Alignment between Sun – Earth and ELENIN !

2011 NOV 25

Closest approach of Astroid 1996 FG3 to earth at 0,101 AU – that’s 9.338.556 miles or 15.049.855 kilometers !

2011 DEC 02

Alignment Elenin, Earth, Mercury and Sun (Not Perfect)

2011 DEC 10

Full Moon

2011 DEC 15

Alignment Elenin, Earth and Mercury

2011 DEC 26

Closest approach of Astroid 2000 YA to Earth at 0,0075 AU that is 6.971.700 miles or 11.175.635 kilometers !

2012 APR 06

Full Moon

2012 MAY 06

Full Moon

2012 APR 09 till JUNE 06

Alignment Elenin, Earth and Venus

2012 JUN 03

Alignment Elenin, Earth, Venus and Mercury

2012 JUN 04

Full Moon with an Alignment between Earth, Venus, Mercury and Elenin !

2012 JUN 06

Alignment Earth, Mercury and Elenin on the 6th – Earth Sun and Venus

2012 JUNE 6

Transit of Venus at the time of the end of the alignment between Elenin, Earth,and Venus. Also on June 6th there is an alignment between Earth, Sun ans Venus ! After 2012, the next transits of Venus will be in December 2117 and December 2125.

2012 JUNE 14 – 28

Alignment of the Earth, the Sun and Elenin !

2012 AUG 10-31

Alignment Elenin, Earth and Venus

2012 NOV 24 – DEC 5

Alignment Elenin, Earth and Mars with a full moon on NOV 24 th !

2012 DEC 21

Maya’s Endtime Date, this date there is an alignment between Earth, Venus and Jupiter. Comet 99942 Apophis (2004 MN4) is at a distance of 0,103 AU from Earth.

2012 DEC 27 -JAN 3

Alignment Elenin, Earth and Sun with a Full Moon on DEC 27 th !

2013 JAN 03 – 07

Alignment Elenin, Earth, Sun AND Mercury

2013 JAN 13

Alignment Elenin, Earth and Venus

2013 SEP 15

Alignment Elenin, Earth and Jupiter

2014 JAN 03

Alignment Elenin, Earth and Sun

2015 JAN 05

Alignment between Elenin, Earth and the Sun during a full moon !

Bron: alamongordo.com

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