
Nog meer diersterfte (nu ook Nederland??)

Laatste wijziging: dinsdag 18 januari 2011 om 20:40, 4338 keer bekeken Print dit artikel Bekijk alle nieuws feeds van onze site
dinsdag 18 januari 2011

Romania: A Second Wave of Dead Birds

Hundreds of dead or agonizing crows have brought terror to a town in the Eastern part of Romania. Since Saturday, the locals of Roman, a town of 80.000 people, have noticed that hundreds of crows fell to the ground dead or in agony in one of the local parks. On Monday, dozens of birds were struggling with death, unable to fly. Local experts suspect that the crows may have been poisoned, but no verdict can be given before a forensic study is conducted.

Some three dozens starlings have also been found dead in Constanţa, by the Black Sea, in Romania, on January the 8th. Veterinarians concluded that the starlings died of cold and alcohol intoxication.

Bron / Lees verder op sott.net

Australia-Mass Fish Deaths at Jervis Bay

TENS of thousands of fish have been discovered dead and dying at Jervis Bay, apparently victims of The Big Wet. Weeks of heavy rain is feared to have sparked a major bloom of red algae on the northern and eastern shores of the bay. The algae strips saltwater of its oxygen and can cause fish to suffocate.

Despite red algae being investigated as the possible cause, The Daily Telegraph understands testing of the Jervis Bay waters has not revealed the severely depleted oxygen levels which would be expected - and would explain the deaths. Most of the fish kill has happened within the Jervis Bay Marine Park

Bron / Lees verder op beforeitsnews.com

Yankton Sees Bird Kill-Off

It is estimated that more than 200 dead starlings were found in downtown Yankton Monday. However, it is not believed the deaths pose a threat to humans.

Yankton Animal Control Officer Lisa Brasel estimated that she collected 200 starlings Monday, and employees of the city Parks and Recreation Department were also on the scene picking up deceased birds. The total number of corpses gathered up by city employees has not yet been compiled.

Bron / Lees verder op yankton.net

Severe winter in Mongolia 800,000 animals lost

17 Jan 11 - Mongolia is battling its most severe winter in three decades.

On Monday, Mongolia's Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade Zandanshatar Gombojav said most rural provinces in the poor, landlocked country sandwiched between China and Russia were covered
by up to 20 inches (50 cm) of snow.

Gombojav said nearly 800,000 animals had been lost while many transport routes were blocked by heavy snow.

Bron / Lees verder op iceagenow.com

Pelicans turn up sick, dead off Jacksonville coast

The Times-Union

Hundreds of Eastern brown pelicans, some with missing wings and frostbite, have been injured or killed in the St. Johns River the past couple of weeks in the Mayport area.

The exact reason is unknown but the cold weather could have caused hypothermia when the birds landed in the water. The pelicans have been losing a protective coating they have on their body to shield their feathers from becoming saturated by water.

Bron / Lees verder op jacksonville.com


Helmondse vijvers bezaaid met dode vissen

HELMOND - De dierenambulance in Helmond heeft de afgelopen dagen enkele honderden dode vissen uit vijvers in de stad gehaald. Door de ijslaag van de afgelopen periode in combinatie met een sneeuwlaag zijn de vissen in de problemen gekomen. Nu de vijvers ontdooien komen de dode vissen bovendrijven. Dat heeft een woordvoerder van de gemeente Helmond donderdag gezegd.

Bron / Lees verder op depers.nl

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