
NASA knew it for decades, next step extraterrestrial presence on moon?

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maandag 28 september 2009

Indian Space Reserach Oragization's probe finds water in Moon, NASA decides to accept the fact that it knew for decades - next step extraterrestrial presence on moon?

NASA now agrees that lots and lots of water id present in the moons surface. That also shows the abundance of water in the universe. Interestingly, NASA all on a sudden starts talking about water in moon after India reveals that it found water from its Moon Impact Probe (MIP).

India's Moon Impact Probe (MIP) was the first instrument to detect water on the moon - way back in November last year when the spacecraft Chandrayaan-1 entered lunar orbit, space agency chief G. Madhavan Nair said here Friday. ''I am happy to share for the first time with all of you that the MIP, while it was descending from Chandrayaan to the moon Nov 14, 2008, picked up strong signals of water particles on the lunar surface,'' the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) chairman told reporters in Bangalore.

Sources from Bangalore now say India plans to force NASA into accepting the Extraterrestrial presence in moon. NASA has all along denied such presence. It even denies the presence of any extraterrestrial objects or entities.

During its 20-minute descent from the Chandrayaan mother spacecraft until its impact near the pole, the 34-kg probe found the water particles varying from the lunar equator.

Indian Space Research Organization is under deep pressure from the Indian Government not to do anything that will antagonize Americans and NASA. But internally ISRO scientists and engineers are determined to expose the UFO phenomenon to the world.

The top management of ISRO is eager to satisfy the political demands of Prime Minister Manmohan Singh who is widely considered as a ‘Good Friend” of America.

''So, we have now multiple ways of confirming the presence of water on the moon. This is being acknowledged the world over as a real discovery. It is a path-breaking event as far as ISRO is concerned,'' an elated Nair said. The mass spectrometre in the MIP registered signatures of hydrogen, helium, oxygen, carbon dioxide and water. ''In that signature, we could see a strong component corresponding to a mass fraction of 18, which is nothing but water. We had a serious doubt at that time. From the initial data, we could see a clear trend of increasing magnitude in the water molecules as it goes towards the poles. It is in line with what has come from M3,'' Nair pointed out.

Bron: indiadaily

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