At about 10 pm on the evening of August 23, a UFO appeared in the sky above Beibei Binjiang Road in Chongqing.
At about 10 pm on the evening of August 23, a UFO appeared in the sky above Beibei Binjiang Road in Chongqing. The UFO was "V" shaped and its color changed in the order of red, blue, green, yellow and white at short intervals. Hundreds of people watched but no one heard any sound produced by engines or propulsion equipment.
During the half hour that the UFO appeared, a civil airplane passed by. Witnesses compared the civil airplane to the UFO and discovered that the UFO was obviously flying at a higher attitude.
After hovering for about half an hour, the periphery of the UFO began to twinkle and then it disappeared in the night sky.
At about 10 pm on the evening of August 23, a UFO appeared in the sky above Beibei Binjiang Road in Chongqing.
Source:People Daily Online
Bron: english.eastday
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