Anderson Cooper - Nasa censors pictures!

Laatste wijziging: vrijdag 14 januari om 12:54, 5095 keer bekeken
Groningen, vrijdag 14 januari 2011

On January 11, 2011 (1-11-11) I made the discovery of some type of huge object located on one of the frames that I had recorded using the NASA STEREO website. The actual input for the frame is:

Behind EUVI 195 20110111 to 20110111 time 04:16:13

On these frames at the top they all have the name of the telescope STEREO Behind EUVI 195 and on the bottom they have the date and time the picture was taken in this case it is 2011-01-11 o4:16:13.

In the picture that I captured and downloaded from the site immediately after it was posted on Tuesday, January 11, 2011, which

you can see here:

Using magnification I discovered a very huge object at the top of the picture behind where it says "195", Keeping in mind that the object is way bigger than planet earth I was very excited! The object reminded me of the pointy tail of the devil. I used magnification and light filters to capture as much detail as posible and I made a video which I promptly uploaded to my Youtube account which you can see here:

After I uploaded the video I began to look at the picture more and I thought at that time it was such a profound and historic discovery that I wanted to take as much time needed to bring out as much clarity and detail as I possibly could so for the next 12 hours I tried various techniques eventually settling on the most basic of adjusting the brightness and contrast, hue and saturation.

I then made another video and I then name both videos:

*ALERT* Huge "Devils Tail" Next To The Sun! Pt. 1 of 2 *ALERT*


*ALERT* Huge "Devils Tail" Next To The Sun! Pt. 2 of 2 *ALERT*

You can see the second video here:

The next day 01-12-2011 people began leaving me comments on my videos saying that NASA has censored the picture and removed the object! I was at first thinking they must be looking at the wrong picture but since I had posted a link directly to the exact frame there is no way any mistake could be made. When I clicked on the link I was suprised to see that it said "404 File Not found" so I went to the STERE website and input the information and when I scrolled down to the 04:16:13 frame I was astonished to see that they have in fact censored the picture and they have removed the object!

The original URL that I put in both of my video description boxes to the original NASA picture that worked perfectly for many, many people was:


After discovering that the picture has been censored and the object has been removed the URL has changed to:


From looking at the links I have discovered that someone took that entire set of pictures offline, censored them and then re uploaded them and in doing that the entire set was re issued a new sequence number! The first original number in the URL was n7euB the new number that was re issued is n4euB the 7 has been changed to a 4 due to the re issuance of a new number! That means any and all of the previous downloaded and linked to pictures from the original set are all dead links that will issue a "404 File not Found" error...

This video proves beyond any doubts that NASA has censored these very important discoveries that I have made and they are trying to keep the truth from the public. I now feel that my personal safety is at risk because of the videos that I have made concerning this situation happening with our sun and with NASA. If you want to help me then I ask that you send this video to every news organization that you can think of, post it on your Youtube channel and any other social networking site that you may have. Thank you for your support in this matter, God speed I will talk to you again soon...
