
China disclosure: Aliens zenden UFO's naar de aarde

Laatste wijziging: dinsdag 24 augustus 2010 om 09:33, 4682 keer bekeken Print dit artikel Bekijk alle nieuws feeds van onze site
dinsdag 24 augustus 2010

Dramatic events have taken place in China over the last few days and that nation's thousands of UFO researchers and enthusiasts are reeling in shock.

One of the heads of China's famous Purple Mountain Astronomical Observatory, Prof. Wang Sichao, has gone public admitting the UFOs are real and aliens are visiting Earth and that the observatory has observed their craft many times. The admittance of UFO reality was made yesterday within an official speech entitled tellingly 'China's UFO truth'. This news has been extensively reported in China.

The key points that Wang Sichao have disclosed are that:

- Aliens are visiting Earth on R & D expeditions

- These UFOs are probes manned by robots.

- These craft travel at eighty percent the speed of light.

- These craft have been seen by the observatory many times at between 150 and 1500 kilometers above Earth.

- The aliens might use Nuclear fusion to propel their craft

- 39 years of work at Purple Mountain Observatory has led Wang to believe these craft use Earth's gravity to manouvre and stay aloft

Wang Sichao also said he disagreed with Stephen Hawkings recent comments and declared that these aliens appear peaceful and require nothing materially from us as they can create their own materials using advanced technology.

In the event that these aliens do not come in peace, he stressed that they are not gods and have flaws and thus we can possibly defend ourselves.
(Editors note: The Purple Mountain Observatory was the station that observed the now well known UFO during last years eclipse. The entire text of the speech by Wang Sichau clearly shows that the stuff we have been saying about China and other places regarding UFOs over the last few years is not just 'made up tabloid news' but fact and those that critisise this publication are the know nothings who have bought into the West's cover-up on this topic-sources on request-M Cohen)

Bron: allnewsweb.com

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