On the morning of Friday the 24th of April of this year employees at MeteoSwiss (Switzerland’s meteorological department) got the surprise of their lives. Huge circular fields hovering over Switzerland were picked up by their radars (picture above). The blue coloured circles covered the entire country. The question was asked as to whether a massive UFO was in the upper-atmosphere above the scenic mountainous nation or perhaps these circles were signs of an imminent hurricane.
Felix Schacher, a senior Meteorologist at MeteoSwiss claimed the circles were not UFOs or the signs of a hurricane about to wreak havoc on his country. Mr Schacher told the Swiss news site ’20 Minutes’ that they were merely caused by the reflection of water droplets. A few minutes after being queried on the issue the radar images were hurriedly removed from the departments website. Are we being told everything the Swiss meteorological knows about these radar images? Many Swiss UFO researchers have left comments on various internet forums expressing their doubt about that

Bron: allnewsweb
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