Super Sun Blast Fears Put Russian Nuke Plants In Lockdown

Laatste wijziging: maandag 26 september om 09:28, 4488 keer bekeken
Groningen, maandag 26 september 2011

A frightening report circulating in the Kremlin today prepared by the Federal Atomic Energy Agency (FAAE) states that "emergency notices" have gone out to all of Russia's nuclear power plants warning them that a potential "blast" from our Sun could cause "massive power blackouts" and could even result in "spontaneous atomic explosions."

Prompting this unprecedented warning was our Sun's unleashing of a massive X1.9 solar flare from the behemoth Sunspot 1302 yesterday, and that is just days away from putting our Earth squarely in its sights, that this FAAE report is blaming for the near total blackout that hit the entire South American nation of Chile within minutes of this event occurring.

This FAAE report further warns that the blackout that occurred in Chile due to yesterday's solar blast was forewarned about by a similar event that occurred earlier this month in the United States after their Southern California and Arizona regions were hit by a massive power blackout on 8 September.

Even more concerning to the FAAE about these solar blasts were their being connected by Russian atomic scientists to the nuclear explosion at a nuclear-waste facility in southern France that occurred on 12 September and a Michigan nuclear plant "cooling failure" that occurred on 16 September, both of which were quickly followed by at least six more massive solar blasts occurring in less than 24 hours from 18 September until 19 September.

The FAAE also states in their report that the fall from low-space orbit of NASA's UARS climate satellite yesterday can, likewise, be blamed on these solar blasts too, a position supported by US space scientists who recently discovered that 90 minutes after these solar blasts die down, they spring to life again producing an extra surge of extreme ultraviolet radiation, and which, according to NASA scientist Rachel Hock:

"The extra energy from the late phase can have a big effect on Earth. Extreme ultraviolet wavelengths are particularly good at heating and ionizing Earth's upper atmosphere. When our planet's atmosphere is heated by extreme UV radiation, it puffs up, accelerating the decay of low-orbiting satellites."

Interesting to note of all of these events is how unprepared people in the West are to face what the FAAE terms as the "worst events to come" and have, also, been warned about by American experts and scientists too, including the World Net Daily article titled U.S. warned of threat worse than Katrina, plague, WWII that, in part, said:

"More horrifying than the plague of Black Death across Europe. More costly in lives than World War II. Financially, it could make the Katrina repairs look like a pocketful of change. And it's not a matter of if, but when.

That's the alarming warning issued by John G. Kappenman, owner of Storm Analysis Consultants and an expert on the dangers of electromagnetic pulse damage to modern society, with a list of qualifications after his name as long as a phone book.

The issue of EMP dangers to the Earth - either from a CME, a coronal mass ejection, which is an eruption of power from the sun, or from a nuclear-triggered EMP wave intended to destroy a society - have been the subject of multiple reports in recent months.

WND reported just days ago that the U.S. House authorized plans to defend America's power grid against such dangers, but the Senate left citizens to fend for themselves, eliminating the contingency plans."

NASA, too, again warned the American people last year of a pending solar storm telling them to get ready for a "once in a lifetime solar storm" and this past June released a video to all of their employees to "start preparing now".

To why these American people fail to protect themselves from known dangers to come is perplexing to many, especially after this past weeks report on the catastrophic Joplin Missouri tornado that killed 162 and destroyed 9,000 homes, but which showed the huge loss of life was due to "complacency and confusion".

It's as if, one researcher remarked, that the American people are simply unable to respond to anything unless it occurs within minutes or seconds of their hearing about it, and even then it's doubtful many of them will act to protect themselves.

To what is causing these massive solar blasts in the first place there are many speculations, but it is interesting to note the contents of the Federal Security Service (FSB) addendum to this FAAE report suggesting that the "takeout" of two of America's top planetary scientists this past month are related and show the ends to which the US is going to in their effort to keep the truth hidden.

The first NASA scientist mentioned by the FSB in their addendum was the Israeli-American Dr. Stewart Nozette who was locked away in solitary confinement on 6 September after his pleading guilty to spying for Israel.

Dr. Nozette, who was on the US National Space Council in President George H.W. Bush's White House, worked closely with his fellow NASA scientist, the British-American Dr. Michael Drake, who, on 22 September, was reported dead by the authorities with no reason given.

Both Dr. Nozette and Dr. Drake, the FSB continues, were the foremost American researchers into planetary type bodies (meteors, comets, asteroids, etc.) and were "more than likely" involved in making sure the secrets they knew would get out the world at large.

The FSB further notes that the "espionage network" Dr. Nozette and Dr. Drake were part of was, also, "more than likely" compromised by the MOSSAD agent known as Brian Alexik captured last year by US Federal agents.

MOSSAD agent Alexik was compared to fictional super agent Jason Bourne for his ability to evade police and for the weapons, equipment and mystery that surrounded him after his daring escape from US police authorities last year. However, within a fortnight after Dr. Nozette was put into solitary confinement, and the day after Dr. Drake was reported dead, Alexik, acting as his own attorney, was convicted for this "crimes," but in an unprecedented turn of events was given a 7-year "suspended" jail sentence after which he "disappeared."

Though all of these events contained herein certainly beg for more examination, it is more important that one should start preparing for whatever is to come, much sooner than later. After all, there are indeed many mysteries surrounding everything these days, but keeping oneself and their families safe should take the greater priority.
