Vlakten van Titan krijgen namen uit Dune boeken

Laatste wijziging: zondag 9 augustus om 13:06, 3439 keer bekeken
Groningen, zondag 9 augustus 2009

Titan's mysterious dark plains will be named after planets in the series of "Dune" science fiction novels by author Frank Herbert.

The US Geological Survey Astrogeology Science Center announced the first plain or "planitia" given a name will be designated as Chusuk Planitia. Chusuk was a planet from the Dune series, known for its musical instruments. Chusuk Planitia on Titan is located at 5.0S, 23.5W, and in the picture here is the small, dark area next to the "C" of Chusuk.

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Bron: universetoday