State of the planet, Project Camelot in Amsterdam

Laatste wijziging: zondag 26 juli om 20:46, 3089 keer bekeken
Groningen, zondag 26 juli 2009


This will be an excellent networking event with the latest inside info on a wide range of subjects including vaccines and swine flu, the economy and much more.

Update confirmed speakers: Arthur Neumann added (!)
(formerly known under his Project Camelot alias
Henry Deacon):

a ground crew Amsterdam conference
with main guests;

Bill Ryan and Kerry Cassidy
Project Camelot

Arthur Neumann
(formerly known under his Project Camelot alias Henry Deacon)
Key Camelot whisltleblower

Désirée Röver    
Dutch medical research journalist

and calling in;
George Green

Open at 11.30 conference end 17.30
Entrance € 25,-- p.p. (lunch included)
reservations at
Volkskrantgebouw Wibautstraat 150 te Amsterdam

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